Fashion and Style Zoom

Let’s Get Ready for Those Theme Parties on Zoom!

Even before the pandemic I often have been asked where can you wear the fashionable clothes that I talk about?  And in a world where casual Fridays are on the way of becoming casual Mondays and Tuesdays, this is not a question to be taken lightly.  My answer is: you must make or find the occasion.  And one such occasion—and a fun one, too—is Theme Parties.

What are Theme Parties?  They are parties where you get dressed up to reflect the party’s theme.  They are not costume parties; for renting a costume would be akin to cheating.  No, the real fun of a theme party is to go into your wardrobe and put an appropriate look together.

Theme Parties on Zoom

I know that you are probably saying, “A Theme Party?  Why, I haven’t attended a social event since the start of the pandemic!”  No, I am not suggesting that you attend any gathering in violation of your local “lock-down” rules.  But what about organizing a Theme Party on Zoom?  I have already attended Christmas Parties and Black-Tie events on Zoom.  Why not a Theme Party on Zoom?

So what events are coming up on the social calendar?  Well, the first one is Mardi Gras, always a fun event.  Here’s what I have put together for this year.

Mardi Gras

Above I chose a tan summer suit—from a time when there was such a thing as a summer suit.  I matched it with a cobalt-blue shirt with a funky tie.

You don’t have to smoke to wear this Victorian smoking cap. It will keep you warm, too

The hat is a red velvet Victorian smoking cap.  These caps were meant to be worn with a smoking jacket; and they serve the same purpose: to keep the smoke out of your clothes and hair.  I don’t smoke, but I wear the cap to keep me warm in the winter in my drafty house.  By the way, these caps are not vintage clothing; you can buy them in the UK from the finer hatters.

Il Gatto

No Mardi Gras party would be complete without a mask.  Mine, above, is a Venetian Mask (made in Italy).  The character is Il Gatto (the Cat).  Of course, you don’t need to have a mask as pricey as this one: you can even make your own.

Mardi Gras theme parties, always a fun opportunity to dress stylishly.  If you’re not invited to a Mardi Gras party on Zoom this year, organize one yourself.  You won’t be sorry.

Casino Nights

Another fun theme party is Casino Nights.  These parties usually take place in a casino setting with real games of chance.  No money changes hands; instead there are play money and play chips.  The dress theme is usually 1920’s, with the ladies dressed as flappers and the guys, usually as gangsters.

Above you see that I have matched a black shirt with a navy blazer and a silver-patterned tie.  For a hat I chose a gray Fedora  (below) with a wide brim, a wide hat ribbon and a high crown to provide that 1940’s, “Humphrey Bogart” look.

1940’s “Humprhrey Bogart” style Fedora
This Fedora’s wide brim, wide hat ribbon and high crown give it that vintage look

The Great Gatsby

The last theme party that I would like you to consider, but not the least, is a “Great Gatsby’ party.  “Great Gatsby” parties are inspired by the novel of the same name written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  Like the Casino Nights, these parties are set in the 1920’s.  In fact, you can wear the same outfits that you wore for Casino Nights (e.g. the ladies in Flapper dresses and the guys dressed as gangsters).  However, the main character of the novel, Gatsby, was a stylish dresser, so you might want to emulate him.  And he often wore a tuxedo, which would also be a great look for you, too.

Classic peaked-lapel tuxedo with vest

Above is a classic tuxedo with peaked lapels.  The tuxedo shirt has a wing collar: the collar of choice in the 1920’s and still popular today.  Instead of a cummerbund I chose a vest; they were very popular in the 1920’s, although not so common today.  However, if you do attend a lot of black-tie events, you might consider adding one to your wardrobe; they are not expensive.  And of course, you want to wear a dress coat, as you see below.

Classic dress coat

Generally, a white silk scarf is recommended with a black or charcoal gray dress coat; but I prefer a dark, patterned silk scarf, as you can see above.

Classic wide-brimmed Fedora
What a great looking profile! This Fedora looked good on Robert Redford when he portrayed “The Great Gatsby.”  It will look good on you, too.

A Great Gatsby party wouldn’t be complete without a hat.  My hat of choice is a black, wide-brimmed Fedora, as you see above.  In the 1920’s Fedora’s often had snap-down brims in both the front and back.  By the way, most of my Fedoras are this style, and I wear them frequently.  With a wide-brimmed Fedora I prefer this style (with a snap-down brim in both the front and the back) because I believe it presents a better profile.

Theme parties are always fun; and putting together your look is half the fun.  So join the fun by organizing one on Zoom!