Fashion and Style Zoom

We’re All Performers Now

I find it amusing that people who didn’t know one end of a camera from the other can’t stop talking about ring lights, tripods and shotgun microphones.  More importantly, although they may be sheltering in place and lounge around the house all day in their pajamas, they are obsessed with how they look on Zoom and other video platforms.  And they should be.  One thing that this horrible pandemic has taught us is that we are all performers.  The public is waking up to the fact that actors such as myself have known for years:  appearance is everything.  And nowhere is appearance more critical than on Zoom.

Recently I saw a top financial expert being interviewed remotely on a financial television show.  What struck me about this financial expert was not his predictions about the economy, but how poorly dressed he was.  But I’m sure he thought what he was wearing was appropriate for hanging around his apartment all day (most likely a million-dollar condominium); and I am sure that it was: that is if he were selling advice on how to clean a floor.  The indisputable fact is that your first impression on video platforms may be the only impression that counts, despite your impressive resume.  There are no second chances, no do overs on Zoom.  So how do we maximize this exciting new and powerful communication platform?  Let us begin.

But before we do, I have four basic rules that apply to dressing well that I have followed long before the pandemic.  Bear in mind, I am not dictating fashion; above all I want to help you develop your own personal style:  to discover what works for you and what doesn’t.  These rules have worked for me; perhaps they will work for you, also.

Mistakes You Should Avoid in Zoom

My first rule is: don’t wear suspenders unless you wear a jacket over it.  Yes, I know that there are guys who strut about the office wearing suspenders, thinking that they’re cool.  But to me they look like they are sleazy stock brokers employed by an unscrupulous stock brokerage.  My second rule is don’t wear a shirt with French cuffs; they are overkill unless you are a trial attorney who earns fifteen hundred  dollars an hour.  Men such as these need to justify the high compensation they demand, and they do this by the ostentatious manner in which they dress.  Third rule is never wear short-sleeve shirts in a business or business casual setting unless you wear a jacket over them;  otherwise you will look like an assistant manager at a dollar store.  Lastly, refrain from wearing clothing with highly visible logos on them.  Designers aren’t paying you to wear their clothes so why should you provide them with free advertising.  I know many think that these logos show that they have good taste; but if you have good taste your wardrobe and wardrobe choices will speak for itself.

Now how do we put together a look that will get you the attention that you deserve on our Zoom meetings and Zoom events?

Put Your Wardrobe to Work for You

Fortunately that task will be made easier because you probably already have the optimal choices in your wardrobe; all it takes then is to put them to work.  As far as what to wear, wear what you would normally wear, but do it smarter and bolder.

Always Elegant: The Three-piece Suit

Here is a three-piece medium-gray suit with chalk stripes.  If you usually wear suits in the work place continue to wear them. I know that many companies are relaxing their dress code for Zoom meetings and encouraging their employees to dress even more casual than business casual, but that starts the slippery slope where you stop shaving and women stop wearing make-up.  Remember, casual Fridays were never really casual, you were very careful about your appearance.  And what about Zoom meetings with your clients and customers: would they appreciate it if you look like you’re ready to rush off to the golf course?  However, if you are really uncomfortable about wearing  a suit at Zoom meetings with your colleagues, take the jacket off and just go with the shirt and tie and vest (if you are wearing one).  If you’re having a Zoom meeting later in the day with some or all of the same people go with just the vest.

Suit with vest, only, conveys that you are a hard-working, roll-up-your-sleeves guy

I like that look because it makes you appear to be a hardworking, roll-up your sleeve guy: the kind of guy who can be counted on to work late and never turn down an assignment.

What about those of you who don’t usually wear suits but dress business casual at work?  Continue doing so; just don’t dress down.  Now would be a good time to go through your drawers and pull out a sweater you received as a gift but have never worn.

Here is such a sweater—in the color of lilac!  I cannot conceive of a man buying himself a lilac sweater; obviously this is a gift from a very special lady.

Being creative: matching a lilac sweater you received as a gift with a gray shirt

Why not match it with a gray shirt ?  Voila!  You now have an interesting look for your next Zoom meeting.  Remember: you probably already have the wardrobe you need.  It’s just a matter of putting it together for a great look on Zoom.  If you liked this post, please check out my StyleVoyager Channel on YouTube.